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The BalanceManager shared object holds all balances for different assets. To perform trades, pass a combination of BalanceManager and TradeProof into a pool. TradeProofs are generated in one of two ways, either by the BalanceManager owner directly, or by any TradeCap owner. The owner can generate a TradeProof without the risk of equivocation. The TradeCap owner, because it's an owned object, risks equivocation when generating a TradeProof. Generally, a high frequency trading engine trades as the default owner.

With exception to swaps, all interactions with DeepBook require a BalanceManager as one of its inputs. When orders are matched, funds are transferred to or from the BalanceManager. You can use a single BalanceManager between all pools.


Following are the different public functions that the BalanceManager exposes.

Create a BalanceManager

The new() function creates a BalanceManager hot potato (a struct with no abilities). Combine it with share, or else the transaction fails. You can combine the transaction with deposit calls, allowing you to create, deposit, then share the balance manager in one transaction.

/// Create a new Balance Manager.
public fun new(ctx: &mut TxContext): BalanceManager;

/// Share the balance manager.
public fun share(balance_manager: BalanceManager);

Mint a TradeCap

The owner of a BalanceManager can mint a TradeCap and send it to another address. Upon receipt, that address will have the capability to place orders with this BalanceManager. The address owner cannot deposit or withdraw funds, however. The maximum number of TradeCap that can be assigned for a BalanceManager is 1000. If this limit is reached, one or more existing TradeCap must be revoked before minting new ones.

/// Mint a `TradeCap`, only owner can mint a `TradeCap`.
public fun mint_trade_cap(
balance_manager: &mut BalanceManager,
ctx: &mut TxContext
): TradeCap

/// Revoke a `TradeCap`. Only the owner can revoke a `TradeCap`.
public fun revoke_trade_cap(
balance_manager: &mut BalanceManager,
trade_cap_id: &ID,
ctx: &TxContext

Generate a TradeProof

To call any function that requires a balance check or transfer, the user must provide their BalanceManager as well as a TradeProof. There are two ways to generate a trade proof, one used by the owner and another used by a TradeCap owner.

/// Generate a `TradeProof` by the owner. The owner does not require a capability
/// and can generate TradeProofs without the risk of equivocation.
public fun generate_proof_as_owner(
balance_manager: &mut BalanceManager,
ctx: &TxContext
): TradeProof

/// Generate a `TradeProof` with a `TradeCap`.
/// Risk of equivocation since `TradeCap` is an owned object.
public fun generate_proof_as_trader(
balance_manager: &mut BalanceManager,
trade_cap: &TradeCap,
ctx: &TxContext
): TradeProof

Deposit funds

Only the owner can deposit funds into the BalanceManager.

/// Deposit funds to a balance_manager. Only owner can call this directly.
public fun deposit<T>(
balance_manager: &mut BalanceManager,
coin: Coin<T>,
ctx: &mut TxContext,

Withdraw funds

Only the owner can withdraw funds from the BalanceManager.

/// Withdraw funds from a balance_manager. Only owner can call this directly.
/// If withdraw_all is true, amount is ignored and full balance withdrawn.
/// If withdraw_all is false, withdraw_amount is withdrawn.
public fun withdraw<T>(
balance_manager: &mut BalanceManager,
withdraw_amount: u64,
ctx: &mut TxContext,
): Coin<T>

public fun withdraw_all<T>(
balance_manager: &mut BalanceManager,
ctx: &mut TxContext,
): Coin<T>

Read endpoints

/// Validate that this `TradeProof` can access the balance manager's funds.
public fun validate_proof(balance_manager: &BalanceManager, proof: &TradeProof)

/// Returns the balance of a Coin in an balance_manager.
public fun balance<T>(balance_manager: &BalanceManager): u64

/// Returns the owner of the balance_manager.
public fun owner(balance_manager: &BalanceManager): address

/// Returns the owner of the balance_manager.
public fun id(balance_manager: &BalanceManager): ID